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Ep 31: Do’s & Don’ts of Onboarding & Offboarding

Been ghosted by a new hire? Got blasted on Glassdoor after layoffs? Onboard and offboarding have big consequences for engagement and your balance sheet. Get it right with expert advice from Amy Davies, Founder of First30 and acclaimed author.

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Guest Bio

Before founding First30, Amy worked in leadership roles for top-tier companies in North America and the UK, including Unilever, Mars/Wrigley, Grainger and Rogers. She currently lives in the GTA, is a voracious podcast listener, and the proud pet parent of a Doberman named Riker.

Follow Amy Davies on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daviesamy


Amy Davies, an expert in onboarding and offboarding, emphasizes the critical role these processes play in shaping a new hire or departing employee's experience. A well-designed onboarding program sets the tone for a successful and positive employer-employee relationship, while a thoughtful offboarding process can influence how former staff view and represent the company.

Onboarding sets the tone for the employer-employee relationship and impacts the new hire's productivity. Common mistakes companies make during onboarding include failing to recognize its importance and resorting to generic HR systems. Davies recommends investing in creating a welcoming experience, including pre-boarding communication, a relaxed first day, and access to task-specific training materials. Consistency in branding across all onboarding materials is also important.

Amy Davies: “Consistency actually breeds trust. So the more consistent we can be in all of our touch points with our employees in general, and specifically our new hires, the better.”

Offboarding can influence how former employees view and talk about the company. Companies should avoid a harsh approach to layoffs. Instead, they should provide notice, offer support, and potentially even outplacement services to ease the transition for departing employees. This compassionate approach can leave a positive lasting impression and potentially benefit the company through positive word-of-mouth.

Amy Davies: "It could save your organization. It’s a morale boost to employees who are still working with you now, to see that the exiting employees are taken care of."

First30's Employee Onboarding eBook: Ideas to Get Your New Hires Off to a Great Start!


First30's Strategies for Running Compassionate & Effective Layoffs


A Spark in the Dark: Illuminating Your Path to a Brilliant Career in a Reorg World


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