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Ep 33: A Unique Recipe for a Winning Employer Brand

James Ellis of Employer Brand Labs answers some of the toughest questions about attracting talent with a purposeful approach. Learn why it’s not about being the best and why it’s about appealing to job seekers that align with what makes you unique.

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Guest Bio

James Ellis is an authority on employer branding, focusing on companies who think they have no choice but to post and pray for talent. Over the past decade, he has built the brands for more than a dozen of companies and supported the development and activation of dozens more. 

He is the principal of Employer Brand Labs in Chicago, an author, keynote speaker, practitioner, and podcaster with a wealth of experience across multiple industries for almost a decade. James’ achievements include authoring what’s been called the bible of employer branding, managing the number one employer brand newsletter in the world and helping companies globally establish and develop their ability to hire talent.

Follow James Ellis on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thewarfortalent


This episode with employer branding expert, James Ellis, centers on the significance of employer branding, the misconceptions surrounding it, and how companies can effectively implement a strategy to attract the right talent.

Key Highlights:

  • Employer Branding Misconceptions: Ellis stresses that employer branding is not about making a company "look good" but about highlighting what makes the company unique. It's about attracting the right candidates who align with the company’s values and company culture, not about getting a large volume of applicants.
  • Strategy Over Effort: Ellis discusses the importance of strategy in recruitment. He mentions that strategy can enhance effort, meaning companies should focus on out-thinking their competitors rather than outworking them. This approach can reduce recruiter burnout and lead to better hiring outcomes.
  • Setting Expectations: The discussion also touches on how employer branding is about setting the right expectations. A company's rating on platforms like Glassdoor often reflects how well expectations are set, not necessarily the quality of the employee experience. Companies should be transparent about what they offer and who they are to attract the right people.
  • Employer Branding for All: Ellis argues that every company, regardless of size or industry, needs to focus on employer branding. Whether it's a fast-food chain or a state government, having a clear and honest employer brand helps in hiring the right people who will be engaged and productive.

Practical Advice: For those new to employer branding, Ellis advises starting by understanding what makes the company different and communicating that clearly throughout the recruitment process. It's not about being the best but about being distinct and appealing to the right candidates.

The authenticity and strategy of your employer branding is important. It can lead to better hires, lower turnover and a more engaged workforce.

Explore free employer branding resources provided by James Ellis:


Learn more about Employer Brand Labs:


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Host, The Culture Profit

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